On Fri, 08 Feb 2002 09:06:03 -0500, Morbus Iff wrote:

>Not sure what you mean, here. I've been using this code in the 
>crossplatform AmphetaDesk [1], and it's been working fine (collecting 
>thousands of warnings from a Win32::GUI, IO:: kills, etc.):
>   # open our log file, turn on autoflush,
>   # and then return our selection to STDOUT.
>   open (LOG, ">$SETTINGS->{files}->{\"log\"}")
>      or die "Couldn't open $SETTINGS->{files}->{\"log\"}: $!";
>   select(LOG); $| = 1; select(STDOUT);
>   # redirect STDERR to our logfile.
>   open(STDERR,">&LOG") or
>      die "Couldn't redirect STDERR to $SETTINGS->{files}->{\"log\"}: $!";
>[1] http://www.disobey.com/amphetadesk/

Hmm... you're still redirecting STDERR to a file.

What you can't do, is redirect STDERR to a tied filehandle, or to
STDOUT, and hope to capture it all.

The only way is with an actual file.


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