On Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 01:29:06PM -0500, David H. Adler wrote:
> Finally, although you'll all laugh at me, I'm down to 66 strokes on the
> issue 0 challange.  Not horrible for a first real golf attempt.
> How much further have you all gotten.  I just want to know how far to
> bury my head in the ground... :-)

        I'm somewhere near 62. 58 if you don't count -e and the quotes. :)

        (should I show my code to the world, or keep it hidden till
the contest's over?)


@_=map hex hex||' ',qw-f4240 1388a 0 14ff1 50 4e2a 0 1f40 
4e2a 320 0 50 195 4e2a-;for(@_){($i,$e)=('a',($_+0)?'':$_
);do{$_&1and$e.=$i}while($_>>=$i++**0);print reverse$e;}

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