    I thought i'd branch this thread off the original one, as it's more 
along the lines of advanced games vs. any particular game.
    First and foremost i want to say, before i get in to any comments, that 
i applaud every blind game developer past and present wether i've bought 
your game or not. I think it is commendable that your doing or have done 
blind game development, i'll have more to say about this in a minute.
    I don't want to go in to to much personal history on myself, i've never 
been good at it, but i've been blind since birth, i'm of the legally blind 
category. I can see light perception only out of the right eye, and as of 
now, shadows, light, and contrasting colors from the other. There was a time 
when my vision was better, and during that time before it started going 
south and i had to have sergery, i was able to play sighted games. I started 
out with the old atari 2600, progressed to the 7800 and my last sighted 
system was the original Nintendo. Since then games have become to 
graphically intensive for me to follow. But what i liked about those early 
systems were i found it chalenging. My personal favorites were star masters, 
missile command, chop lifter, pitfall, and poll position in the old atari 
26/7800, and mario 1 only, some kung fu judo game that i can't remember it's 
title, solaris, for the nintendo, and probably more in all three game 
systems that i can't think of their names. Some games i never won, i just 
played and played them for hours, some of them were two player games like 
poll position or i could race, the two player games i especially liked i 
played baseball, on nintendo with my dad, rarely won, but i had a great time 
doing it, we both did. I miss those days. Now i see my brother playing 
online games, diablo2, star craft, games i don't have a clue how they work, 
but i would love to get in to that. I guess what i'm saying after all the 
historic look back, is that while as i said above i am greatful and think 
it's great the developers have given us as blind consumers games to play, i 
am one who feels that advanced games, on the par with those of the sighted, 
multiplayer, online game play, games with stories, chalenges, or puzzles, or 
games that you can spend a rainy saturday afternoon with say your dad or 
brother or something, and just have fun, those are what i'd like to see.
    Just my two cents.

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