Hello gamers,Hello gamers,
It is my deepest regret at this moment to announce some very sad and 
unhappy news about STFC which will put development of that title back by 
countless months. Even worse I know I am to blame for that setback do to 
my foolish complacency, and lack of backing up the code as often as I 
should have. For that mistake I am paying a huge price. So here is what 
As you know in July I split STFC in to branches. I have the original 
source for 1.0 beta which is thankfully backed up to my USB backup 
drive, and then I was working on a STFC 2.0 with all the features I have 
announced in previous posts with dynamic menus, better sensors, updated 
enemy AI, etc...
Anyway, I had taken my USB drive off my desktop to backup some stuff 
from my laptop, and never got around to hooking it up to my desktop 
computer. Since all the work on STFC 2.0 was being done on the desktop 
there was only one single copy of the source code. Well, while working 
on STFC 2.0 I was updating the Main.cs file when I discovered somehow 
when deleting some code I had deleted most of the file, and at some 
point had saved the file not knowing most of it's contents was deleted. 
As a result all of the enemy AI, dynamic menus, etc is gone. The code is 
simply destroyed, and there is no way to recover it. I can't even guess 
as to how long it will take to rewrite all that. No less than three 
months damage.
Needless to say I am extremely upset from this crisis and now I can  
garentee that USB drive will be connected to my desktop almost 
perminitly from now on to backup every single update daily in hopes of 
preventing a similar crisis. However, you know as I know that will not 
solve the immediate issue. I have to decide where to go from here. All I 
can think of is make some miner patches for the STFC 1.0 beta, and 
forget about all the dynamic menus and stuff for now. I can not bring 
myself to rewrite all that stuff right now. It would be to stressful on 
me emotionally to try and recreate two or three months of code again if 
not more since it will all be from scratch this time. In fact, at this 
moment I am so stressed I would rather drop STFC completely for months 
until I can feel ready to take on that project. To say I feel miserable 
is the understatement of the century.
I'll probably work on something else such as Montezuma's Revenge since 
that at least won't be as stressful to work on.

Howling like a wounded Klingon:
Thomas Ward


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