Charles, it's not that simple.

As developers, we also need to use software to build apps. This software also 
evolves and changes along with the general market. The tools available change 
and the ease of use and implementation of those tools on the end-user's 
machines change.

Even my work on iOS is effected by this as I need to weigh the merits of in 
effect asking customers to make sure they update to the latest iOS.

Certain features may change in the way they are supported or need to be coded, 
so this is something that we as developers also need to consider when OSs 

to give you an example, while developing Breadcrumbs GPS there was a way that 
certain alerts were shown to the customer which took a certain way of coding. 
When iOS 5 came around, this all changed and So I needed to go back and rewrite 
the way these sorts of alerts were managed. This wasn't trivial but it 
definitely was a good and welcome change! Conversely, certain ways of coding 
which may be just fine for long periods of time may also become deprecated, 
which causes us to again need to go back and rewrite code which may be very 
engrained into an app. -And all this is just on one platform! :)

Does this make sense?…

So the idea of asking people to upgrade, isn't just a decision that we as 
developers, make on-high with no regard for end-users. :) Know what I mean?… 
There's a lot of consideration that goes into it.


Cara :)
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On Apr 30, 2013, at 8:51 AM, Charles Rivard <> wrote:

As for having to upgrade to a newer OS because the older ones aren't being 
supported, shouldn't the game developers use the tools of the trade that their 
customers can use?  If you decide to create software that the newer systems can 
run but older systems cannot, and your customers are still using the older OS, 
aren't you shooting yourself in the foot?  I don't follow the logic that 
dictates that users must upgrade to a less user friendly OS that won't run the 
software you have been accumulating because it is not being supported by the 
developers.  It makes more sense to me that the developers should not be the 
determining factors as to what is produced for the end user.  The end user 
should be the one to determine what is produced.

If the majority of blind people cannot afford to upgrade their machines every 
few years, and the upgrades won't be easily accessible without major 
modifications and headaches, we should not have to be forced to make that 
upgrade, and developers should offer what the end user can use.

If guns kill people, writing implements cause grammatical and spelling errors!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] challenge for developers, post xp windows

> Hi Dark,
> Like so many things in life there are two sides to every argument, and
> I certainly can't dispute that the issues you raised are valid, but
> there is another side to the debate as well.
> It is true that on 64-bit versions of Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8
> it is not possible to play older 16-bit Dos games without a
> third-party emulator like Dosbox which is unfortunately not
> accessible. However, the real problem is not Windows, but the newer
> 64-bit processors themselves as they can not execute 16-bit
> applications natively which is why Microsoft dropped 16-bit support in
> newer versions of Windows.  The problem for developers like Microsoft
> is why should they spend time and money trying to support old 16-bit
> applications that is no longer supported by the hardware of today when
> there are free applications like Dosbox available?
> However, the problem with making Dosbox accessible is easier said than
> done. From what I know of Dosbox in order to make it accessible a
> developer would be better off rewriting the emulator completely from
> scratch. That is no minor undertaking, and are you and the rest of the
> V.I. community willing to pay for this to be done?
> The second issue you raised is that of Visual Basic 6 support. I
> frankly don't know what you expect us developers to do about that
> situation. In my opinion there is frankly nothing we can do about that
> situation directly. The only thing we can do as end users and
> developers is encourage those using Visual Basic to upgrade to
> something more modern as quickly as they can to avoid any more
> needless compatibility issues. Otherwise we are going to experience
> more issues like those with the BSC games and Windows 8 as newer
> versions of Windows become available.
> What I am about to say will sound harsh to many, but I think it needs
> to be said. As early as 2006 I remember Microsoft actively encouraging
> Visual Basic 6 developers to upgrade to VB .NET and to move away from
> DirectX 8 as time was running out. Most of the mainstream developers
> listened and chose to begin upgrading their software to VB .NET 2005.
> Here we are nearly 7 years later and the majority of audio game
> developers are still using it even though Visual Basic 6 was
> discontinued as far back as 2008. So any compatibility issues we have
> with games and Windows 8 are the fault of those audio game developers
> who have chosen for one reason or another not to adopt newer
> programming languages and tools. It is the audio game developers who
> are making it difficult to upgrade to say Windows 8 without worrying
> if game x will or won't be compatible not Microsoft. Its not like
> Microsoft didn't repeatedly warn VB developers what would happen years
> in advance. So let's begin by placing the blame where blame is due.
> Regarding the user interface it is definitely different in Windows 7
> and in Windows 8 but there are workarounds for what you want. The
> Classic Shell application restores many of the Windows XP U.I.
> elements you are talking about including the classic Start Menu etc.
> So saying it is not possible to have listed menus and coherent folder
> structures, is absolutely false. If you were to install the Classic
> Shell add-on for Windows you would restore a semblance of the Windows
> XP look and feel to modern versions of Windows.
> Finally, while it is certainly your right to choose to upgrade or not
> upgrade let me say that it puts us game developers in an untenable
> situation. What I mean by that is sometimes it is not possible to
> support both older versions of Windows and newer versions of Windows
> at the same time. The way technology changes a developer has to make
> decisions weather to create games for a legacy operating system like
> XP or stick with whatever is current. There are technical
> considerations that you, the end user, do not have to make but we do.
> For example, consider virtual 3d audio. While DirectSound has virtual
> 3d support the fact of the matter is it isn't very good and it doesn't
> work properly on Windows 7 and Windows 8. The solution or fix for the
> problem is to switch to Microsoft's new DirectX audio API XAudio2
> which works fine on Windows 7 and Windows 8. However, next year
> Microsoft will no longer be providing updates for Windows XP,
> including XAudio2 for XP, so as a game developer my options are
> limited. Either I build against an older version of XAudio2 which may
> be buggy to maintain XP support or I tell XP users they are simply out
> of luck. Either way I am between a rock and a hard place because next
> year it won't be possible to build against new versions of DirectX and
> support Windows XP at the same time.
> There is a similar situation going on with the .NET Framework. I
> believe Windows XP will support up to .NET 4 but no later. Since XP is
> about to be officially dropped that means the new applications written
> in Visual Studio 2012 using .NET 5 won't run on Windows XP, but are
> Windows 8 ready. Once again the developer is force to sacrifice newer
> APIs, libraries and tools to support XP or tell the XP users to just
> upgrade. Neither situation is ideal, but is the reason developers get
> so frustrated with people who refuse to update for whatever reason.
> It is like this. If we choose to go with Windows Vista, Windows 7, and
> Windows 8 people using XP will doubtless bombard the developer for
> requests to support XP. If the developer chooses to support XP and
> ignore upcoming changes in Windows 8 the developer will get bombarded
> by requests from new Windows 8 customers to fix compatibility issues
> or to support this or that. Either way can lead to a loss of sales
> which isn't good. Its a classic case of damned if you do and damned if
> you don't.
> Cheers!
> ---
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