Hi Phil, Yeah, I think you will find the USA Games engine, Genesis 3D, is a lot more up to date than the GMA engine. It is written in C# .NET, currently uses .NET Framework 3.x, supports DirectX 9.0C, and should have more realistic 3D game play. For example, in Sarah I noticed the basement and ground floor were actually on the same level. In Genesis you should be able to stack the basement and ground floor on top of each other like they should be. Anyway, if there are any suggestions you would like to see in Genesis 3D let me know, and I will see if I can include the features and suggestions into the engine as I work on it later this summer/fall.
Phil Vlasak wrote: > Hi Tom, > I am eagerly awaiting your game engine as the GMA engine was originally > written for Shades of Doom in 1999 and despite many revisions and > improvements over the years is still written in Visual Basic 6 and does not > have a lot of features I would like in a game engine. > Phil > > --- Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@audyssey.org If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at http://audyssey.org/mailman/listinfo/gamers_audyssey.org. All messages are archived and can be searched and read at http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED] If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list, please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]