Hi Tom.

to be honest my thinking of castaways was a little different. Rather than thinking of the existing game but with some additions, I was myself considdering essentially the same system, but with a more complex and realistic setup. For example, in castaways all your farms produce food at a constant wrate, yet in reality we know that crops are planted in spring and then harvested in autumn, just in time for the winter. Similarly, in castaways it was necessary to chop and prepare lumber for building houses or barrels, yet nobody ever needed a fire, ---- and while the taylers and weavers made cloth for bandages or ship sales, nobody made cloth for clothes or leather for shoes.

I'd love myself to really get to fully control a society, see it grow, experience natural desasters like floods or attacks from bandits, nurse people through the hard times and see them increase through the better times. heck, dwarf fortress even had personalities for it's people by giving people a certain proclivity to do better at a given job, and making them get board if they didn't do that job, and even including a set of behaviours that they would engage in if they got board or if they were satisfied.

this is why I would so love to see a more complex castaways Ii with a full scale civilization system.

Beware the Grue!


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