Hi Shaun.

Jesus Christ, Shaun, your attitude absolutely sucks. James North was a brilliant innovator, his games are testaments to what can be achieved with diligence, commitment and passion. Sadly James lost that passion because of individuals like you, always pushing for more, always wining about inadequacies, always piling on the pressure for this and that to be released. James might have been a negligent developer in the end, he might have lost interest and heart in the blind community, but it was only because of the base ingratitude of so many people. In the end, I wouldn't have been surprised if he wasn't above ripping off people with promises of games he never intended to release, or perhaps he did, but put them on the back burner. Whatever, he had a life too, and so far in my soul opinion, games like Monkey Business, ESP Pinball Classic, Chain Reaction, Alien Outback and Dynaman just go to show the wide range of his talents as a developer. The blind gaming community lost a true innovator when he stopped developing and disappeared, I doubt he'd ever have anything to do with the blind strata of society ever again after what he experienced. Now you dare to take pot shots at Thomas Ward who out of his own pocket for the most part is developing MOTA, I wouldn't be surprised if shits like you don't end up pushing us back to an age when all we can play are text based RPG and MUD games, text adventure and the like because no one wants to develop for us.

Rant over, if you want to participate in our community, do it constructively, otherwise it might be wise for you to unsubscribe.

All the best, Ibrahim.

-----Original Message----- From: shaun everiss
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 4:01 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] replayability and Usa games was Re: Looking For Something New to Play

to be honest it may be easier at this point if you just gave  an old
crappy directx8 version with all the sound as it was 3 years back to
people that  payed for it maybe the one you had to stop because of
copywrite or its levels and change the title and drop it.
I know thats probably not what you want to hear and for ages I
supported you but I have moved on from that game and you probably should to.
Lets face it, the espsoftworks/ james north experience has been a
major changer in the history of this community and a big lesson and
will always be the point or one of the points where we started trying
to make things properly.
I don't know about the rest but the monti/ mota game has been going
far to long.
And to be honest  can anyone actually remember what it was about.
Yes the racing game and the others james promised were a shame to
loose but several years are between now and then.
Yes they were good ideas still are but to be honest all that stuff
has been hanging to long.
I vote you just drop all james games you promised its to long in any
case, and its really pushed other things away.
I myself am still waiting for the second installment of stfc or
whatever you finally call it.
Ofcause I also await anything new that is going on.
However the only thing I can remember  are the people on the form
complaining about each beta and everything.
And while times were tough back then I feel to much time has been
lost, to selvage anything.
3 story changes and a load of other stuff and then things went away.
At some point to be coming back but I never was fully interested in
that sort of game anyway though the racing game maybe.
And to be honest we do need more sims.
Even so you need to ask yourself why you are even doing these at all.
These are your games, no one elses.
It is all history now no matter how much cash was wasted its probably
not worth it to just satisfy any other  whiners on here.
If others think me as been a rood nut tell me and I'll shutup however
I think, enough is enough.
James games should be put in a bin and left to rot.
They were created before a lot of the newer tech came out and while I
was really for it all 10 years   back that was 10 years.
And at any rate the industry seems to be basically  at a standstill.
A lot of stuff needs to happen before things start moving again.
swamp is just about the only thing that keeps the industry active at
least on the user end.
Now that eventually will end, if that is all that is,  it may come to
pass that the audiogame market is for all perposes dead or at least
stopped for now.
I don't really want old games that well came out of one of the big
wars that happened so long ago that I forgot what everything was about.
Ofcause tom if you want to continue it should be your reason and
your's alone that decides it.
I think all obligations should be turfed, 10 years ago I would have
preasured you day and night to do something but well.

At 01:57 PM 3/25/2013, you wrote:
Hi Dark,

You aren't the only one who is frustrated. None more so than me since
the last few months I've fallen into a kind of funk. One where time
has no meaning as such. What I mean by that I might work heavily on
the game on February 12, and then discover the next time I work on the
game it is March 23.  It doesn't seem to me like it has been that
long, but it is so easy to loose track of time that days and weeks go
by between updates. So much time that the game has been dragging out
from months to years.

Of course, the principle problem is lack of motivation. I'm no longer
driven to work every available minute of every day on it so I get to
it when I get to it. What makes matters worse I have not been at my
best health wise anyway . Just this week my son caught a nasty cold
and now has given it to me. When I have a sore throat, headache, and
am coughing I'm not exactly in a mood to sit down and program for
hours on end. Add in some cold medicine that makes me tired and the
best thing I can do is sleep rather than work. It seems this year I
have caught every cold and flu bug coming and going and I've just not
felt much like working on games.

I'm hoping that somehow I will be able to get back up to my usual
productivity, finish these games, get them out, and won't have them
hanging over my head. I'm just as eager to see them completed as most
people on the list. :D

All that aside I know what you mean by wishing to revisit the
atmosphere of the game. Shades of Doom doesn't have a very complex
storyline as games goes, but it does not need one. The lab is
challenging enough with all the various monsters that keeps me coming
back over and over again. On the higher difficulty levels there is no
certainty that I will even complete a game without being killed off
which means I am able to pit myself against the game and sometimes I
win sometimes I lose. It is this degree of replay value I hope to
incorporate into my own games.

On 3/22/13, dark <d...@xgam.org> wrote:
> Hi Michael.
> On the replayability angle, I often find that games are replayable from > the
> perspective of reexperiencing the atmosphere or story, or just trying to
> best the tough challenges another time. It is this that has made me > replay > shades of doom and Sarah. By the same tocan, i've replayed games like > super
> Metroid and Mega man x 1 more times than I can count, just because the
> gameplay, design and structure, not to mention atmosphere and music are > so > perfectly designed. There are several audio games that I view in this > same
> catagory, particularly Gma's offerings. So though I do completely agree
> random elements are great in games for keeping you on your toes, which > is
> why games like smugglers and kerkerkruip are so awsome, they're not a
> necessity if design etc works out well. heck, this even goes for arcade
> games and is the reason i've replayed Q9 and the pinball games despite > them
> being symple arcade titles.
> whether mota will fall into this catagory I am waiting to see, though > i've
> been impressed enough with what we've seen thus far to think that tom's
> ability to not just code games but design them is up to the task,
---- which
> is another reason I would so much appreciate seeing him produce
an honest to
> goodness finished project, bet that the wrestling game, Arc of hope, an
> acessible castlevania type side scroller, a mission based
startrek game or a
> vampire text rpg, heck I'd even! like to see raceway despite racing > games
> not being a favourite genre of mine.
> Concepts are great, and what we've sene of Tom's design has been great, > I
> just sometimes feel a little frustrated that with all these ideas
we haven't
> yet seen anything that has gone past a couple of playable levels.
> I am quite aware that this isn't always Tom's fault, and have followed > all > the community debates and opinions (some not so flattering) that have > been
> voiced. I am also aware of other commitments, but at the same
time I do feel
> a little like usa games is the tantalus of the accessible games markit > and
> just as we all reach for that big bunch of juicy grapes they get
yanked away
> again for one reason or another.
> This isn't intended as an insult, just a statement of feelings and a
> continuation about the debate over game design, since I do
genuinely believe
> Tom has the ability to design a real block buster, which is also
why I would
> so much like to see a complete, ---- or at least completely released > game.
> Beware the Grue!
> Dark.

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