no problem, I never started the stuff with james or pushed him, I heard things on here and ofcause the rumors and other junk never concentrated on it. I however was worried about burnout, james eventually did it and after tom saying he had motivational issues with his stuff I was scared of burn out. maybe I put to much of my worries into my mail, I sertainly don't speak the way I write they are 2 different things.

At 06:06 PM 3/28/2013, you wrote:
Hi Thomas.

I'm sorry, both to you and Shaun, it just gets me sometimes the attitude on here, the ingratitude. I never suggested James intended to cut and run, however he did and I personally paid for games which were never received such as Max Shrapnel. My problem lies in the fact that it looked like Shaun was ripping in to you, telling you to abandon MOTA and start again and I guess his email and the way it was phrased got my goat up. I am just as keen as everyone else to see new games developed for the AG community, however they aren't or at least not as rapidly, certainly not as intensely being produced, so anyone flaming or otherwise discouraging fellow developers has to be resisted if not squashed before it gets started right? Everyone has their bugbears and that was just mine, it certainly wasn't my intention to piss anyone off.

All the best, Ibrahim.

-----Original Message----- From: Thomas Ward
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 8:48 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] replayability and Usa games was Re: Looking For Something New to Play

Hi all,

I'm coming to this post a bit late, but please let's stop the flaming
here. No matter how we all feel about the unfortunate situation with
James North, what was it, six years ago its really passed time to put
it behind us. I can understand your frustration with some list members
such as Shaun but ripping him a new one on list isn't the way to
handle it. :D

Ibrahim, regarding the games James North had in production I said
this before and I will say it again I am certain it wasn't his intent
to take the money and run. After all, I have in my possession the
source code for three different games he was working on, and know for
a fact he was working on them. However, it is my belief the stress,
the pressure, the demands of certain individuals in this community
that resulted in him just throwing in the towel and walking away from
it all. Leaving as he did was wrong, but its also understandable. End
of story.

On 3/25/13, Ibrahim Gucukoglu <> wrote:
Hi Shaun.

Jesus Christ, Shaun, your attitude absolutely sucks.  James North was a
brilliant innovator, his games are testaments to what can be achieved with
diligence, commitment and passion.  Sadly James lost that passion because of

individuals like you, always pushing for more, always wining about
inadequacies, always piling on the pressure for this and that to be
released.  James might have been a negligent developer in the end, he might

have lost interest and heart in the blind community, but it was only because

of the base ingratitude of so many people.  In the end, I wouldn't have been

surprised if he wasn't above ripping off people with promises of games he
never intended to release, or perhaps he did, but put them on the back
burner.  Whatever, he had a life too, and so far in my soul opinion, games
like Monkey Business, ESP Pinball Classic, Chain Reaction, Alien Outback and

Dynaman just go to show the wide range of his talents as a developer.  The
blind gaming community lost a true innovator when he stopped developing and

disappeared, I doubt he'd ever have anything to do with the blind strata of

society ever again after what he experienced.  Now you dare to take pot
shots at Thomas Ward who out of his own pocket for the most part is
developing MOTA, I wouldn't be surprised if shits like you don't end up
pushing us back to an age when all we can play are text based RPG and MUD
games, text adventure and the like because no one wants to develop for us.

Rant over, if you want to participate in our community, do it
constructively, otherwise it might be wise for you to unsubscribe.

All the best, Ibrahim.

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