Hi Ibrahim,

Yes, I do see what you mean. I get  a little sick and tired of the
ingratitude.  of some people too, but I've reached a point where its
just words and it doesn't matter any more. I just let it roll off me
rather than let it get to me.

While I agree Shaun's message was misplaced, kind of irritated me too
at the suggestion of just scrapping all the work I've done, I
understand the intent behind that suggestion. As Shaun himself has
said he was worried about me burning out, and he felt it would be
better if I just cut my losses and started over fresh. If I weren't
the person I am I might just slap together an old beta, release it,
and call it quits. However, that wouldn't be moral or ethical and I am
inclined not to do something like that if I can help it which is why I
do intend a resolution to the preorder situation as soon as I can do
so.  :D


On 3/28/13, Ibrahim Gucukoglu <ibrahim_gucuko...@sent.com> wrote:
> Hi Thomas.
> I'm sorry, both to you and Shaun, it just gets me sometimes the attitude on
> here, the ingratitude.  I never suggested James intended to cut and run,
> however he did and I personally paid for games which were never received
> such as Max Shrapnel.  My problem lies in the fact that it looked like Shaun
> was ripping in to you, telling you to abandon MOTA and start again and I
> guess his email and the way it was phrased got my goat up.  I am just as
> keen as everyone else to see new games developed for the AG community,
> however they aren't or at least not as rapidly, certainly not as intensely
> being produced, so anyone flaming or otherwise discouraging fellow
> developers has to be resisted if not squashed before it gets started right?
> Everyone has their bugbears and that was just mine, it certainly wasn't my
> intention to piss anyone off.
> All the best, Ibrahim.

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