>>> On 4/1/2007 at 10:05 AM, in message
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Matt Massie
> i just added brad to the list of developers with write access to our
> subversion repository.  welcome to the team, brad!

Thanks, I really appreciate the vote of confidence.  Hopefully the enhancements 
and patches that I have proposed so far will help the ganglia project move 
forward and help to serve the needs of those that are using it.

> i've created a branch called "monitor-core-3.0-beta" for 3.0.x
> development from what is currently in trunk.  we might not need quite as
> rigorous a process as apache but i think we need to start using branches
> for development.  all 3.0.x code development should be out
> of ./tags/monitor-core-3.0-beta instead of trunk.  just as before, with
> each new release we'll create a branch called monitor-core-3.0.n.  

Is there a reason why you created the 3.0.x development branch in ./tags?  Tags 
is usually designated to be the location for read-only copies of released 
source code.  This is were most people would go to find the current or archived 
snapshots of the source code releases.  Branches is usually where a copy of the 
code would go that is still in development or maintenance.  Normally something 
like ./branches/monitor-core-3.0.x would be created and then as maintenance 
releases are rolled, the release snapshot would be copied to 
./tags/monitor-core-3.0.<some-revision-number>.  Once a tag is created for that 
released revision, the branch is open for continued development and maintenance.

> we should keep the trunk open for more creative and radical play.  i
> recommend that brad put his updates into the trunk for members to start
> testing.  the sooner we do this the better because it will help us
> decide where to put the new code once it's fleshed out
> (monitor-core-3.0-beta 3.1-beta or elsewhere).  
> does that seems reasonable martin et al?  i don't want to hold up brad's
> new code and now our current 3.0 branch is safely isolated.  since we
> don't have a formal voting mechanism, i suggest that if we don't hear
> objections by wednesday of this week.. the trunk is open for brad to
> drop in his enhancements.  i really hope though that others chime in on
> their thoughts on this.

Unless you see any reason not to, I will wait until Wednesday before I start 
committing the extension enhancements and other patches that I have.  This 
should give others the opportunity to respond to your proposal before the 
commits start happening.


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