On Mon, 2007-04-02 at 11:00 -0600, Brad Nicholes wrote:

> Is there a reason why you created the 3.0.x development branch in ./tags?  

because i goof'd.  i just moved the monitor-core-3.0-beta branch out of
"tags" and into "branches".  sorry for the sloppiness...

> Unless you see any reason not to, I will wait until Wednesday before I
>  start committing the extension enhancements and other patches that I
>  have.  This should give others the opportunity to respond to your
>  proposal before the commits start happening.

the trunk is all yours now.  no need to wait until wednesday.  martin
agreed to open it to your changes and don't suspect anyone will object.

happy hacking... let us know if there is any way we can help.


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