Hey all - 

While I love the idea of the python module, I'd like the plain-old gmetric 
binary to stay as-is. I'm not sure if there are/were plans on getting rid of it 
in favor of the new custom framework stuff. Some of the reasons why I think it 
should stay:

- Gmetric makes building custom metrics insanely easy. I tell people all the 
time: "if you can make a number with any script you have, you can get it into 
ganglia, with whatever language you want." 

- We have a lot of custom metrics that depend on other software, (we take 
results from nagios checks and spit them into ganglia with the gmetric command, 
for example) and that can't be rewritten without a lot of work.

A huge part about why some folks where I work (Yahoo!) are interested in 
ganglia is that even with as basic install, you get a LOT
of visibility into your systems and network, with very little effort. Being 
able to embed a one-line gmetric command into any other monitoring they already 
have is the icing on the cake.

Thoughts ?

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