On Tue, 6 Nov 2007, john allspaw wrote:

> Hey all - 
> While I love the idea of the python module, I'd like the plain-old gmetric 
> binary to stay as-is. I'm not sure if there are/were plans on getting rid of 
> it in favor of the new custom framework stuff. Some of the reasons why I 
> think it should stay:
> - Gmetric makes building custom metrics insanely easy. I tell people all the 
> time: "if you can make a number with any script you have, you can get it into 
> ganglia, with whatever language you want." 
> - We have a lot of custom metrics that depend on other software, (we take 
> results from nagios checks and spit them into ganglia with the gmetric 
> command, for example) and that can't be rewritten without a lot of work.
> A huge part about why some folks where I work (Yahoo!) are interested in 
> ganglia is that even with as basic install, you get a LOT
> of visibility into your systems and network, with very little effort. Being 
> able to embed a one-line gmetric command into any other monitoring they 
> already have is the icing on the cake.
> Thoughts ?

I also vote for keeping gmetric in the game.  I have asked this question 
before and I now sense a chance to reissue it :-).  Here is goes:

Is there general interest in extending gmetric so that it can take a list 
of metrics, instead of just one ?

We have a situation where we need to feed in lots of metrics and thus
suffer from the resulting system calls.

Another thought I had to further reduce system latency was to daemonize 
gmetric and let it read from a local socket or pipe or whatever peopel 
think is most convinient.


> -j
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