On Tue, 6 Nov 2007, Bernard Li wrote:

> Hi Matthias:
> On 11/6/07, Matthias Blankenhaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would love to do that, except that with the latest Ganglia release
> > version I believe I cannot yet do it.  Thus, I'll have to wait until
> > 3.1.0 is out.  Until then, I still need a solution.
> Correct -- the DSO/Python stuff is going in 3.1.0.

Right, so I cannot use that right now, as there is no 3.1.0 release code 
yet and there is reluctance on SGI's side to go with non-release code.

> Do you already have code which implements what you want, or are you
> still in the process of implementing it?

I have code that is based on gmetric, but without the mods.   This code is 
suffering from the overhead of making system calls.  Lots of them.

> I guess so far discussions surrounding 3.1.0, we haven't really came
> up with a time for release.  If we are months away, perhaps it makes
> sense to release another minor update to 3.0.x which can include some
> slight modifications.
> Bottom line is, are you willing to spend time in developing something
> that is likely going to be less significant (in favour of the new
> DSO/Python stuff) -- or would you rather wait?

Well, if there is a chance for a 3.0.x release with the Python DSO gmond 
hooks within the next 2-3 weeks, then I think I would have a good argument
to work on stuff.  I would be happy to work on Ganglia, I simply need to 
provide a strong reason for mgmt why I should spend time on it.  I think 
this would constitute a strong reason.
> BTW, there is nothing wrong with running the code in trunk -- in fact
> I believe it should be fairly stable.  After I check in my changes to
> the spec file, I do not see why we cannot start releasing snapshot
> tarballs for folks to try the new DSO/Python modules support.

Unfortunately, I can't make that decision :-)


> Cheers,
> Bernard

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