On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 11:37:23AM -0700, Bernard Li wrote:
> Here's the release plan for the upcoming 3.1 release.

do you mean 3.1.0?

> I believe all the important, show-stopping backport proposals in the
> STATUS file for 3.1 branch have already been processed and voted on.

actually there is 1 showstopper reported there which has not yet a
resolution, and that is the probable licensing issue between the BSD
ganglia-webfrontend and the GPL templatePower class.

sadly, I hadn't heard back from Ron (the author of templatePower) on the
alternatives we might be able to go with and so can't comment in that.

but checking again all legalese that seems to be tied into the files in
the web frontend, it might seem we could be OK after all as the terms
of the BSD license there (which actually look more like a MIT license
to me) seem compatible with the terms of GPLv2.

but of course IANAL and we should probably seek advice from one (maybe
debian legal or fedora legal could help there).

> So all the remaining backport proposals will be moved from "BACKPORT
> documentation patches.

2 of them still needing votes, and most likely some other ones still
not proposed for backport or committed and dealing with the issues that
we had been saying will be "put in documentation" like the one proposed below,
the upgrading instructions or building/packaging recommendations for CentOS 4
users (including dependencies that are not available in the official

> As for...
> * gmond: avoid latency and timeouts when using the tcpconn python module
> If this causes issues, we could just turn it off by default and put in
> documentation about its potential pitfalls on certain platforms.

It is definitely unstable and not likely to be fixed before the freeze, so
IMHO would be better deleted (not turned off by default) as there is no way
to do that reliably in a clean way AFAIK.

If we would have contrib for 3.1.0, adding it back there in both versions (the
python 2.3 compatible one, and the more reliable python 2.4 compatible
version) might be a good idea, so that users can use them and configure them
as needed (if they agree to the annoyances/risks), but since that is very
likely to delay tagging the beta since today is already the "release date"
proposed, will be most likely better to just cut it clean.


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