Trimming CC and changing Subject to reflect thread better

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 04:54:17PM -0700, Bernard Li wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 4:47 PM, Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belon
> <> wrote:
> > Ideally, which platform is used to bootstrap shouldn't be relevant though
> > and IMHO we should be instead aiming to the latest versions of the autotools
> > (either installed by hand or provided as part of the distribution if more
> > development focused) and for that when on Linux usually means Fedora, Gentoo
> > or Debian IMHO.
> I have no problem with this in theory, but would new version of
> autotools create a tarball that is "backward compatible"?

Curious about how a "backward compatible" tarball would be like, but if
by that you meant that you can use the resulting configure script and
supporting files on systems that are much older and that never had a package
for autotools with the same version that were used, then the answer is yes,
that is the whole point of autotools anyway, to support other systems than
the one that was originally used to build the code on, without requiring
to have any of the autotools themselves installed.

As for testing, is there any problem you had found on the "unofficial"
package that I posted and that was build on Fedora Rawhide x86 :

Other than being able to work on Solaris and not asking for an unnecessary
C++ compiler I wouldn't expect it to be that different when used to build
ganglia binaries.


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