On Jun 28, 2009, at 11:26 AM, Bill Gatliff wrote:

> At the risk of going OT, I'll add that as I get better at following  
> the
> above strategy--- which is particularly helpful with more complex  
> parts
> like microcontrollers--- I get really frustrated at gschem's strong
> association between pin numbers on the symbol, and pin numbers on the
> footprint.

gEDA has no such strong association. It's a product of the way you  
*use* gEDA.

>   That's just... wrong.  It would be nice if there was an
> additional "layer of abstraction" somewhere between the symbol and
> footprint, such that actual pin assignments weren't made until the
> footprint (and slot, if necessary) were specified.  Until that  
> point, it
> doesn't really matter anyway.

When first drawing the circuit that needs a low noise opamp, copy one  
of the opamp symbol files into your project symbol directory under  
the name "low_noise_opamp.sym". Place that. As its pin numbers,  
attributes, etc. become clear, edit it ("Hs") to suit. Or replace the  
symbol file with something else.

gEDA uses a powerful, hyper flexible association mechanism that other  
packages can't match: your computer's file system.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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