On Jun 28, 2009, at 2:49 PM, Bill Gatliff wrote:

> John Doty wrote:
>> When first drawing the circuit that needs a low noise opamp, copy one
>> of the opamp symbol files into your project symbol directory under
>> the name "low_noise_opamp.sym". Place that. As its pin numbers,
>> attributes, etc. become clear, edit it ("Hs") to suit. Or replace the
>> symbol file with something else.
> That sounds a lot like creating another symbol just to deal with a
> different footprint than the one the original symbol assumed.   
> Which is
> the opposite of where I'm trying to go.

Repeat after me:

"There are very few symbols distributed with gEDA that are perfectly  
suited to my project and my design flow."

I understand you want to patch over this somehow. But whatever your  
patch is, it won't suit many (maybe most) flows. So the next person,  
with different needs, will require another patch. And so on. But  
customizing symbols in a project symbol repository preserves gEDA's  

Keep gEDA simple. Use its flexibility rather than fight it.

> b.g.
> -- 
> Bill Gatliff
> b...@billgatliff.com
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John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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