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Hi Tore,

I answer to the list as it might be for interest for other too.

Am Mo den 27. Dez 2010 um 20:12 schrieb Tore Ericsson:
> No, I don't know howto, since I have never participated in any net-project 
> before and need detailed instructions. However, taking part in such a 
> language 
> subproject is perhaps just enough to start with?
> So, please give me a beginner's intro an I'll have a try to get involved!

I'll try to.

Needed Software is:
- - git (For Sourcemanagement. In debian, package git or git-core,
  depending on the version you use.)
- - poedit (To edit the translations, there are other ways but this tool
  seems to be the easiest one.)
- - intltool

First you need a checkout of geeqie on your local system. With the
current repository it is pretty easy; just type 'git clone
git://github.com/zas/geeqie_zas.git' and you have all sources in the
directory geeqie_zas.

Go to the directory geeqie_zas/po and issue git 'checkout -b swedish
origin/master' to create your own tracking branch for the main trunk. As
there is no Swedish translation until now you have to start with 'cp
geeqie.pot se.po' and edit the header of se.po to fulfil the Swedish
language. (CHARSET in Content-Type is the most important. one.)

Then you can run 'intltool-update se' to update the Swedish po-file. You
do this command also regularly if source is updated or before a checkin.
(The last one is important as poedit reformats the comments in the

After that you can start 'poedit se.po' and you can start the
translation. For the begin just start with translations that are
unambiguous. You can rearrange the sentences but keep in mind that they
might be only part of another sentence. If you are in doubt, just ask.

After your edit you add and commit the file to git: 'git add se.po; git
commit -m "Started with Swedish translation"'

Then you can generate the patches with 'git format-patch origin/master'
and send it to the list. If Laurent give you commit rights you can
commit directly but that needs some small additional steps that I do not
address here for the moment.

For the correctness, the se translation has also to be enabled in the
makefile template respective in file LINGUAS. But that can be done later
by one who is familiar with that process.

> Best regards and a happy end of 2010!

Thanks allot. The same for you.


Ps. If I forget something, please add.
- -- 
Klaus Ethgen                            http://www.ethgen.ch/
pub  2048R/D1A4EDE5 2000-02-26 Klaus Ethgen <kl...@ethgen.de>
Fingerprint: D7 67 71 C4 99 A6 D4 FE  EA 40 30 57 3C 88 26 2B
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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