On Aug 29, 2012, at 4:32 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

> Hi Cos,
> On Aug 29, 2012, at 4:27 PM, Konstantin Boudnik wrote:
>>> Sounds cool to me.
>>>> - Hadoop 1.x is is maintenance mode, though it still actively gets
>>>> patches so we need to consider it. The surgery necessary to split v1
>>>> Hadoop is probably not suitable for a sustaining release and not worth
>>>> it at this point in the lifetime of this branch. I assume the HDFS
>>>> project will then host the Hadoop 1.x branches?  This implies only
>>>> members of the HDFS project can commit and release.
>>> Why not put the 1.x stuff in Bigtop since it's global or whatever?
>> Wearing my BigTop hat now, I encourage this audience to rush something like
>> this to BigTop. If I am reading you correctly, you are asking BigTop to host
>> 1.x branches of Hadoop, aren't you? I don't see how it fits in there,
>> actually. But this is a separate issue that needs to involve BigTop 
>> community.
> Agreed that it would totally involve the BigTop community, and that that part
> is up to them. You guys would know this way better than me, so thanks for
> mentioning this issue Cos. I just kinda threw this out there but it's not a 
> blocker
> for me -- whatever makes sense here and it's a good point raised by Eli that 
> can probably be solved a number of different (easily solvable and 
> documentable) ways :)

I agree with Eli we can solve it number of ways within the new TLPs - I'm also 
pretty it doesn't make sense to involve BigTop. I'd rather not waste bandwidth 
on that alley.


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