Morgan Delagrange wrote:
> Axion specifically asked for assurance that they would be
> incubated at their final destination.  They received that
> assurance in the proposal and from you
> personally as a member of the Incubator PMC

To quote myself from that message:

> > Is it possible to "incubate" a project (whatever that means)
> > from its current location

> IMO, no.  But I believe that its infrastructure could be setup
> in its final destination.

Ah ... Now I understand why that message kepting coming up.  I admit to
being a bit bothered that what is clearly one person expressing an opinion
would be interpreted as a binding mandate for the PMC, but there you have

> Let's not pull a bait-and-switch.

Considering that we're trying to work with axion, and all projects, to
minimize the effort required, let's keep the discussion constructive, shall
we?  :-)

        --- Noel

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