I think it's confusing people to use the term "binding" in different contexts. I'd like to propose that the term is only used to refer to decisions/votes that are binding on The Apache Software Foundation, which means decisions/votes made by a duly authorized PMC.

In particular, the following text implies that a PPMC has a "binding" voice:


"Therefore, should a Podling decide it wishes to perform a release, the Podling SHALL hold a vote on the Podling's public -dev list. At least three +1 votes are required (see the Apache Voting Process page), and only the PPMC member votes are binding. If the majority of all votes is positive, then the Podling SHALL send a summary of that vote to the Incubator's general list and formally request the Incubator PMC approve such a release. Three +1 Incubator PMC votes are required. Below is an example showing how an incubating project managed this process:"

I'd prefer if the text "only the PPMC member votes are binding" were changed to "only the PPMC member votes are counted".

Better still, simply remove the entire text ", and only the PPMC member votes are binding".

Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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