ant elder wrote:

> > The error is the use of PPMC.  It should say that only PMC member votes
> > are binding.

> Now I'm confused. If it says "only PMC member votes are binding" does that
> mean Incubator PMC?

Yes.  The PPMC has no legal standing, and is an Incubator artifact.  We want
them to vote, but the only *binding* votes are those of Incubator PMC
members.  Hence the suggestion that every podling have at least three

> Wouldn't that mean the vote on the dev list needs three Incubator PMC +1s
> the Incubator general list vote can be started?


And, yes, the "separate votes" is confusing to people.  It is purely an
artifact of having separate mailing lists, as there is really just one vote.

        --- Noel

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