Please take a look at INCUBATOR-72 which I believe fixes the problem.

The policy calls for a community vote (which generally only the mentors are aware of) and if successful, followed by a binding vote on the incubator general list by which all incubator members can review and vote.

There really isn't anything wrong with the current policy except for the confusion caused by the reference to binding PPMC votes.

Here's the policy with the patch applied:

Therefore, should a Podling decide it wishes to perform a release, the Podling SHALL hold a vote on the Podling's public -dev list. At least three +1 votes are required (see the Apache Voting Process page). If the majority of all votes is positive, then the Podling SHALL send a summary of that vote to the Incubator'sgeneral list and formally request the Incubator PMC approve such a release. Three +1 Incubator PMC votes are required. Below is an example showing how an incubating project managed this process:

The only thing that this change does not address is whether the podling's PMC can stop the vote from progressing to the incubator general list. I'd say if this is the issue, then the podling has serious trouble that should be brought to the attention of the incubator general, and as such I don't see any issue.


On Feb 3, 2008, at 4:47 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

The error is the use of PPMC.  It should say that only PMC member
votes are binding.

But somehow I like the fact that in most cases the vote is much wider
- and I think that this helps foster a community responsiblity.

Yes. But that's no different from elsewhere in the ASF where many people,
e.g., users, vote, but only PMC votes are binding.

Perhaps we need to do something like having the whole community vote
and then taking this as their proposal to the PMC which then votes as
to wether to pass this community advice on.

This is just an artifact of the mailing lists, IMO.

        --- Noel

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Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
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