William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> Robert Burrell Donkin wrote:
>>> 1. the incubator should be concerned about the composition of the
>>> proposed PMC. 

> Only that the community will be welcoming to newcomers and not treat the
> ASF community-project as the "company's private project"

Those are primary concerns, yes.  We don't want a company hijacking a project 
and using the ASF's imprimatur in that manner.  More importantly, we want to 
see continued community development.

> Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> > * A company pulls the plug for paid developers - will the project survive?

> Actually I think we are far too obsessed with the prospects of letting
> a given project or podling die.

There needs to be a balance.  And I am satisfied that the Incubator PMC has 
been taking the right line on the issue so far, subjective as the line may be.

        --- Noel

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