On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 11:30 PM, Benson Margulies
<bimargul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Officially, no Apache project has ever, ever, released a binary.
> Apache projects have published convenience binaries to accompany their
> releases, which have been, by definition, source.

Maybe you can help clarify this for me then. What exactly about the
proposed AOO 3.4.1 ballot suggests that the AOO binaries are any
different than "published convenience binaries to accompany their
releases" that you believe are permitted?

Or equivalently, can you point to something, say, in the Lucerne.Net
ballot that distinguishes their binaries as different from ours in

I'm honestly trying to find out what, if anything, we need to change.
Or whether we're just arguing semantics rather than code and bits.


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