There was a consensus to add the Champion role, and we haven't even
tried it seriously, and now you propose to eliminate it.  That doesn't
seem reasonable to me. I'd rather try to make it useful and then
evaluate it. In other words, +1 to Bertrand.

'Holding mentors to their responsibility' as a completely generic
concept is an idea that constantly fails to reach a consensus, due to
the 'volunteer dilemma'.

For others in this thread, I completely disagree that a monthly one
line edit to the XML file or a one line email is an unreasonable
burden. Any mentor, let alone champion, for whom that is an
unreasonable burden should not have signed up in the first place.

I am limiting myself to one message on this thread per day, at most,
just so you all know.

On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 11:45 PM, Alan Cabrera <> wrote:
> On May 5, 2013, at 6:56 PM, Benson Margulies <> wrote:
>> Discussions on Ross' and Chris' proposals ground to a halt.
>> In my view, there are real issues that drove those discussions, even if
>> those discussions drove some of us to distraction.
>> A bit before the wiki crashed, I wrote:
>> The TL;DR version of this is:
>> 1: let's take Champions seriously as a role
>> 2: let's ask for a minimal heartbeat from every podling every month
> What we're virtually left with is one mentor, now called a champion.  
> Removing hard responsibilities from the mentor effectively nullifies the 
> mentor role.
> Let's get rid of champions and shepherds and hold the mentors to their 
> responsibilities.
> Regards,
> Alan
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