IMO the IPMC cannot delegate legal oversight to a sub-committee  (for
example) unless that sub-committee consisted of members of the IPMC. The
reason for this is hat only members of the IPMC are recognized by the board
and thus only IPMC members have binding votes.

That doesn't prevent social conventions that say IPMC members only vote in
podlings that recognize them as members of their project community.

Furthermore, the IPMC could define a "task force" or whatever you want to
call it, which is responsible for the health of the IPMC as a whole,
including assisting podling with absent mentors and insufficient IPMC

My point is that once we think in terms of social conventions pretty much
anything is possible.


Ross Gardler (@rgardler)
Senior Technology Evangelist
Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
A subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation

On 7 November 2013 23:04, Upayavira <> wrote:

> I have one (hopefully) simple question for those more familiar with the
> ASF\s bylaws/etc.
> As I understand it, the board has delegated responsibility for the
> incubator, and thus incubator podlings, to the Incubator PMC and its
> members. Thus, it is only members of the Incubator PMC that have the
> ability to vote. This much is straight-forward.
> So, the question is, what options does the Incubator PMC have in terms
> of further delegating responsibility? Can the Incubator PMC delegate
> (some) responsibility to people who are not themselves incubator PMC
> members? To do so, does the Incubator PMC need to inform the board of
> the change of composition of 'sub-committees'?
> My thought is that if we can clarify what is legally possible, we will
> be better placed to find the appropriate model for the incubator that
> fits within those legal/bylaw bounds.
> Upayavira
> On Fri, Nov 8, 2013, at 06:47 AM, Marvin Humphrey wrote:
> > On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Jim Jagielski <> wrote:
> > > Certainly this is being addressed and fixed in the current 1.0.1
> > > release thread...
> >
> > Indeed.
> >
> > > So why is something 2 months old such a bee in your bonnet right now?
> >
> > I chose to highlight the Allura situation because it illustrates that
> > IPMC
> > release vote scarcity can strike your podling at any time regardless of
> > how
> > virtuous and healthy it is.  If it can happen to Allura, a podling with
> > fabulous contributors and outrageously qualified Mentors, it can happen
> > to
> > anyone.
> >
> > I could have instead cited other lengthy release votes: VXQuery (over a
> > month
> > now and still waiting), ODF Toolkit (20 days), Droids (probably the
> > all-time
> > record holder), Bloodhound (so frustrating that Brane coded up the voting
> > monitor), ManifoldCF...  but none of those podlings boasted Allura's
> > all-star
> > Mentor lineup.
> >
> > The point was to pick a podling with Mentors whose dedication to the ASF
> > was
> > unassailable ("AWOL Mentors" don't attend Board meetings!) because then
> > nobody
> > could blame the delay on insufficient Mentor dedication.  I don't think
> > it's a
> > bad thing that podling core developers are inherently more invested in
> > their
> > projects than Mentors -- it's just a fact of life that we ought to
> > accommodate
> > ourselves to.  Vote scarcity is not the fault of any one Mentor, or any
> > group
> > of Mentors -- it's just a phenomenon which is *guaranteed* to happen some
> > of
> > the time because the Incubator is structurally flawed.
> >
> > Still, because my point was awkwardly crafted, I wound up singling out
> > the
> > Allura team in a negative context.  I apologize for my clumsiness.
> >
> > Marvin Humphrey
> >
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