Hmm, as far as  I know the biggest problem of OpenOffice had been licensing.
ASFAIK LibreOffice's success is a different license which allows to incorporate 
more  sources.

I'm not a licensing specialist. I hope, wie wohnt geht problems.
Herzliche Grüße, Best regards
Michael Müller

Twitter: @muellermi
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Am 19. September 2016 14:52:16 MESZ, schrieb Geertjan Wielenga 
>On 19.09.2016 1:10, Raphael Bircher wrote:
>> My biggest fear ist the community. As I saw on the NetBeans ML, the
>> decision to join the ASF was made by Oracle. Well a load of the
>> community members welcome this step, but there are also fears. This
>> fears has to be addressed, this is very very important.
>You are right. There are mixed feelings about this move. However, by
>the majority are strongly in favor. Yesterday at JavaOne, we discussed
>move at length in a number of sessions and James Gosling, the most
>respected individual contributor on the initial committers list (who
>his ICL the second he was invited to join the project, i.e., even
>the proposal was submitted) said he is "unspeakably thrilled" about
>NetBeans in the context of Apache.
>Indeed, there are going to be people who are negative about this. Some
>said that Apache is a "burial ground". I disagree with that and I think
>that is nonsense. However, just because one or two people say that does
>mean I think any differently about Apache.
>On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 1:10 PM, Raphael Bircher
>> Hi Geertjan
>> I'm registred at NetBeams now, to get a closer look at the project. I
>> was a bit shocked about the similarities with the formar
>> project. The structure of the Project, the workflow
>> etc. are so close to the project, much closer as I
>> expected. My biggest fear for the incubation is not the technical
>> aspect. For infrastructure we will find solutions, and for many
>> problems exist already blueprints from the OpenOffice Project. My
>> biggest fear ist the community. As I saw on the NetBeans ML, the
>> decision to join the ASF was made by Oracle. Well a load of the
>> community members welcome this step, but there are also fears. This
>> fears has to be addressed, this is very very important.
>> One Mail also complained about the Initial Committer list. Are all
>> active committers who did commit in the last 6 month (or so) on the
>> initial committer list. forgotten people can create bad blood and
>> disappointment. The committers are the most value part of a project.
>> This are at the moment my biggest concerns.
>> Regards Raphael
>> On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 10:23 AM, Geertjan Wielenga
>> <> wrote:
>> > Nightly builds is all that's needed, indeed, no one needs to
>> them,
>> > they should simply be available. Agreed it's important to
>> > between nightly builds and official releases, that's exactly how
>> > works currently. The #1 requirement here is that there should be
>> > builds and that is supported, from your response here.
>> >
>> > Geertjan
>> >
>> > On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 10:28 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz <
>> >> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 7:00 AM, Geertjan Wielenga
>> >> <> wrote:
>> >> > ...the #1 requirement is for Apache NetBeans to be able
>> >> > to produce daily/release builds and to upload them to
> or
>> >> > another download area under Apache....
>> >>
>> >> Daily releases are problematic in Apache projects as the PMC needs
>> >> approve releases, and in general those votes last at least 72
>> >> due to our async collaboration model.
>> >>
>> >> AFAIK Apache Cordova for example is making very frequent releases,
>> >> might be interesting to find out how they enable that, in due
>> >>
>> >> Nightly builds should not be announced outside of the project's
>> >> developers mailing lists, to mark a clear line between those and
>> >> official releases.
>> >>
>> >> All those things can be discussed during incubation of course,
>> >> wanted to mention them due to the above #1 requirement.
>> >>
>> >> -Bertrand
>> >>
>> >>
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