There is a big difference between Apache OpenOffice and NetBeans.  NetBeans, 
even with the NetBeans Platform, is a developer-facing project.  I presume that 
the cycle of learning and improvement out through the adopters and community 
for NetBeans is operating successfully and will thrive at Apache.  The 
"eating-your-own-dogfood" principle seems to be well in hand [;<).

There does need to be attention to infrastructure requirements.  

The initial committer list for Apache OpenOffice to enter incubation was 
entirely and publicly self-selected.  That means it includes, to this day, 
individuals who do not commit to the code but contribute, when still active, in 
other ways.  There are acute divisions between those who cannot and will not 
build the code, those who manage to build and run the code, and those who can 
do anything significant with the code and test their results.  That division is 
a tremendous challenge in the sustainability of Apache OpenOffice.

Although the size of OpenOffice is daunting, that in itself is not a challenge 
to the ASF infrastructure.  The files in the Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 source 
release consist of

   1.43 GB (1,541,226,333 bytes) of text in
 60,955 files, in
  6,429 folders.

 - Dennis   

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raphael Bircher []
> Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 04:10
> To:
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Apache NetBeans Incubator Proposal
> Hi Geertjan
> I'm registred at NetBeams now, to get a closer look at the project. I
> was a bit shocked about the similarities with the formar
> project. The structure of the Project, the workflow
> etc. are so close to the project, much closer as I
> expected. My biggest fear for the incubation is not the technical
> aspect. For infrastructure we will find solutions, and for many
> problems exist already blueprints from the OpenOffice Project. My
> biggest fear ist the community. As I saw on the NetBeans ML, the
> decision to join the ASF was made by Oracle. Well a load of the
> community members welcome this step, but there are also fears. This
> fears has to be addressed, this is very very important.
> One Mail also complained about the Initial Committer list. Are all
> active committers who did commit in the last 6 month (or so) on the
> initial committer list. forgotten people can create bad blood and
> disappointment. The committers are the most value part of a project.
> This are at the moment my biggest concerns.
> Regards Raphael
[ ... ]

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