> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dennis E. Hamilton [mailto:dennis.hamil...@acm.org]
> Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 13:05
> To: general@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: RE: [DISCUSS] Apache NetBeans Incubator Proposal
> There is a big difference between Apache OpenOffice and NetBeans.
> NetBeans, even with the NetBeans Platform, is a developer-facing
> project.  I presume that the cycle of learning and improvement out
> through the adopters and community for NetBeans is operating
> successfully and will thrive at Apache.  The "eating-your-own-dogfood"
> principle seems to be well in hand [;<).
> There does need to be attention to infrastructure requirements.
> The initial committer list for Apache OpenOffice to enter incubation was
> entirely and publicly self-selected.  That means it includes, to this
> day, individuals who do not commit to the code but contribute, when
> still active, in other ways.  There are acute divisions between those
> who cannot and will not build the code, those who manage to build and
> run the code, and those who can do anything significant with the code
> and test their results.  That division is a tremendous challenge in the
> sustainability of Apache OpenOffice.

I should be clear that the acute division is with respect to capacity and 
capabilities and also will.  I did not mean divison as some sort of dispute.

> Although the size of OpenOffice is daunting, that in itself is not a
> challenge to the ASF infrastructure.  The files in the Apache OpenOffice
> 4.1.2 source release consist of
>    1.43 GB (1,541,226,333 bytes) of text in
>  60,955 files, in
>   6,429 folders.
>  - Dennis
[ ... ]

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