For 2, yes I'm saying exactly that. It's long been an expectation in apache 
that a -1 be accompanied by a willingness to help fix the problem. There are a 
few exceptions, such as releases. That's why I have #1 of something is not 
approved by legal and infra then a -1 reflects that. If the -1 is ticking boxes 
on a formal process then I don't see that as constructive, unless accompanied 
by a willingness to help.

Awareness is good. For none blocking items a +1 accompanied by a recorded issue 
about something that must be approved before graduation is the way to go if one 
does a check but didn't want to help fix things.

As for not enough votes i refer you to Roy's suggestion on board@. Essentially 
votes don't need to be from IPMC members.

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From: Justin Mclean <>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2019 10:32:24 PM
Subject: Re: Voting on releases with serious unaddressed issues


> 1) If VP Legal or VP Infra says any of the issues are blockers then the 
> podling cannot do a release

I guess they well need to clarify that then, but AFAIK an an ex VP legal has 
said this, and VP infra has stated this for the exact issues mentioned in this 

> 2) If IPMC members want to become contributors and help fix the problems with 
> pull requests,  or mentors (meaning real mentors not just folks pointing out 
> problems, then they should get started. As active members of the community 
> those individuals will have the right to vote -1 on a release.

So are you saying that IPMC members vote are only valid for +1 votes on 
podlings they are not actively involved in and their -1 votes are invalid? The 
risk I see there is IPMC votes when needed just become just a rubber stamping 

> 3) If the podling is unable to gather three +1s among their active community 
> then they won't be able to do a release so the conversation is moot

Well in this case here that happened (they only had one binding vote) and they 
asked the IPMC to vote on it. Some podlings, for a number of reasons, are not 
going to be able to find 3 active IPMC members in their project to vote on 
every release. (Although I'm surprised in this case given who the mentors are).

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