On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 1:07 AM Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>

> Hi,
> > Or we *don't* provide legal protections. That *is* what the disclaimer is
> > there for.
> For that to happen I think the disclaimer text would need to change, I’m
> assuming you don’t think that. Even so a DISCLAIMER doesn’t remove legal
> obligations.

What the heck are you talking about? "legal obligations"? ... A tarball is
placed on a server. People download. Done.

As long as we don't include stolen source, then ... whatever.

Of course, the disclaimer changes. It should say "The Foundation doesn't
endorse this. It is an artifact produced by a third party, and we make no
guarantees on licensing, functionality, or security."

> I don't recall that advice. In fact, Roman seemed to indicate Legal would
> > be just fine with that.
> Only if the incubator is not considered a TLP but is a special construct
> within the Foundation. Several people have indicated they see the incubator
> as a TLP.

Blah blah blah. Wordsmithing crap. The Incubator is a PMC. Period. Fact. It
can operate however it needs to, to achieve the outcome assigned by the

The Board told it to onboard communities.

The Board did *NOT* tell it to follow standard release policy. That's just
an invalid assumption.

> > IMO, stop being pessimistic. Move forward with change to stop the gating,
> > and let podlings do their releases without all the IPMC burden.
> We want to be at “D” or “E” , we’re currently at “A”  and there's a few
> steps that need to be taken. I don’t believe the IPMC can just say “make it
> so” and move from “A" to “E”. We also need consensus which I don’t believe
> we have yet, so we might end up at “F” or “G”. Also if we make this
> position “offical”, it will stop the same issue from reoccurring in the
> future. It has occurred every few years since the incubator has existed as
> far as I can tell. Well that’s the way I see it anyway, you and others may
> see it differently.

I have zero confidence that you will move the pin here. You have shown zero
willingness. I'd like to see a new VP Incubator.


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