
> Of course it's not a dumping ground.
> This is about whether the Open Source Community at Apache would be
> interested in a project. Starting the debate from Apache's side with such
> crude, ugly, disrespectful remarks like Jon's coming up with is just not
> fair. This company is "dumping" a whole lot of money too, I guess, coming
> from the investment in the software. There might be something there, just
> _might_ be something of interest.
> Why not try to look at that before launching such shit at the person
> that is, basically, just trying to be nice....!
> | I am very grateful to Jon for having the courage to speak up his
> | mind. One might be crititical of Jon but he remains a cornerstone of
> | Jakarta.
> Cornerstone and cornerstone. Would Jakarta crumble and die away if Jon
> wasn't here?

Contrary to the well known adage, some people are truly irreplaceable.
For example, if it wasn't for Winston S. Churchill we would probably
all be doing the Nazi salute today.  Speaking one's mind, especially
if expressing unpopular views, takes a lot of courage. It would make
Jon a lot more popular if he were always smooth and accomodating.
Jakarta needs people who can cut through the bullshit. Jon is one of

Coming back to the issue at hand, if ASPizer authors are truly
committed to open source and the Apache model, they should counter
Jon's remarks and justify the reasons why their product should be part
of Jakarta.

Jakarta is not a dumping ground for .bomb projects. Untactful?
Yes. Accurate statement? Yes.

In their propposal, THBS commits to two years of development while a
paragraph earlier they say that they can no longer fund the
project. What kind of bull is that? I did not read anyone but Jon take
the time challenge the inconsistencies in the proposal. We can all sit
back and criticize Jon's style. In the mean time, somebody has to get
the job done and it's often Jon. 

> | Keep that mind before calling him ungracious parts of the body.
> I just wanna throw some shit back at him, because I don't respect him that
> much as a person, looking at his shitty remarks to other people. He
> probably doesn't notice anyways, or what do you think??
> As a coder, I've mentioned before, he's apparently very good. And his
> observations and whatnot are also _insightful_, but nothing more.
>   Why not just package things just a little bit nicer? Or just whatever?
> Be a bit more polite? Be, you know, nice to people? Especially to people
> he even doesn't know..

I rather relate to a person who is direct than someone who always
appears to be nice. 

> And I'd like to point out that Jon is just Jon. The world wouldn't stop
> revolving if he just .. disappeared or anything. Even Apache wouldn't stop
> working. Actually, nothing would stop working without him.

Jakarta is just Jakarta. The world wouldn't stop revolving if Jakarta
just .. disappeared or anything.  Even Apache wouldn't stop working.

>   That's the part this crude dude apparently haven't realized, talking
> like that to whoever gets in the way of his thoughts..

No one is proposing that you marry Jon. 
> Jon is not doing Apache any good being like he is. I sincerly hope there
> isn't any "suits" watching this list at all, because that could ruin
> much..

If you are trying to start a lynch party, you are unlikely to find
many suitors in this forum.  Regards, Ceki

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