Ceki, I believe all you say.

However that does not mean that JBoss does better elsewhere than it would
do here.

Jon stated that some non-Apache projects show that there are better ways
of doing Open Source and gave JBoss as an example.

But we just do not know how it would be if they were her.

IMHO, JBoss is much cleaner of nonsense and much easier to get working
than all the other Open Source app servers. That's it - no competition.
It would probably also have no competition at Apache just by having the
same core developers and core orientations (or just most of them).

I just think they always had the best direction by a long way and that
it would be like that anyway.

Orion, although cheap and good, is payware... and I think I would choose
JBoss even if Orion was Open Source (but I am not even 80% sure, much
because Orion isn't OS).

Me thinks Jon must come up with a better example to prove his POV.
Me also thinks it will not be easy since Apache is quite good.

And I am not a Jakarta founder. I took a look around with impartiality.

I think Jon is undervaluing Jakarta because he helped creating it and
he is comparing what it is with what he dreamed it would be. Things tend
not to work according to our high expectations.

I am comparing it with what I see elsewhere.

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ceki Gülcü [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 2:36 AM
> The JBoss guys are very smart. Scott Stark is extremely high
> caliber. Mark is no idiot either. Jboss is successful because it
> is so fucking good. From where I stand, the other appservers are
> just copying JBoss. Where do you think the MBean architecture in
> Weblogic 6.x came from?
> The problem with JBoss is that while they innovate BEA and IBM
> make all the dough. Such is the nature of opensource. Bloody fucking hell!
> (From what I hear Orion is pretty good too.)
> At 02:18 08.01.2002 +0100, you wrote:
> >> Jboss's success seems to be one project. I'm actually glad they went to
> >> sourceforge...they would have struggled to survive here...
> >
> >How can you know?
> >
> >I have studied their code and their documentation some months ago, I
> >have also followed some of their mailling lists for sometime and that is
> >not that obvious to me.
> >
> >I do NOT prefer what they call community. I do not find their code that
> >good. I do not like their documentation that much.
> >
> >JBoss success has a lot to do with the lack of credible alternative for
> >something with a lot of demand, unlike Jakarta products like Tomcat or
> >Velocity.
> >
> >Give me a better case and/or concrete reasons, please.
> >
> >
> >Have fun,
> >Paulo Gaspar

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