On Tue, 8 Jan 2002 12:36, Ceki Gülcü wrote:
> The JBoss guys are very smart. Scott Stark is extremely high caliber. Mark
> is no idiot either. Jboss is successful because it is so fucking good. From
> where I stand, the other appservers are just copying JBoss. Where do you
> think the MBean architecture in Weblogic 6.x came from?

What a laff! JBoss and Weblogics MBean use is completely and utterly 
different - JBoss uses JMX as a services architecture while Weblogic uses JMX 
as a management interface (you know - what it was designed for). 

The only way that BEA could possibly decide to use the standard 
management interface to manage its server is to see JMX used in a completely 
different manner - I am not sure how I missed that. It really is innovative 
how BEA decided to use the standard management API when it built its 
management interface. They had no idea that JMX was going to be integrated 
into J2EE at that stage - how could they.

> The problem with JBoss is that while they innovate BEA and IBM make all the
> dough. Such is the nature of opensource. Bloody fucking hell!

gotta love experts.



"Therefore it can be said that victorious warriors 
win first, and then go to battle, while defeated 
warriors go to battle first, and then seek to win." 
              - Sun Tzu, the Art Of War

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