Remy wrote:

> I am definitely contributing to Tomcat as part of my employment at
> JBoss. I am not contributing on my own free time to Tomcat as an
> individual at the moment, and (as far as I can remember, as it was a
> while ago ...) have submitted a company CLA reflecting that
> ( Anyway, it is obvious Apache has
> the notion of company contributions. Stating otherwise is wrong, and
> does not match the legal documents the ASF uses.

Well said. I think that we do need to acknowledge the support employers
by effectivly funding development.

However This still makes *you* personally the contributor, albeit funded by
No doubt your own work is prioritised and your input to Tomcat is managed
by your
JBOSS boss. But that indirect setting of priorities is, as it should be,
the limit
of JBOSS influence on Tomcat through you.

> I think continuing with the current attitude would only lead my company
> to reevaluate its involvement in ASF projects, and I could not really
> blame them if they did. Of course, this may be what some people here
> seek (hopefully, it is not and it's just my paranoia at work).

>From where I sit I would prefer to see a clear distinction between the fact
some people are funded to work on ASF projects under the auspice of the ASF
and the implied notion that the companies themselves somehow manage the

If this argument was about Sun or IBM or Oracle or Microsoft claiming to be
a lead
contributor we would surely want to clarify the independance of the
project's management
whilst also acknowedging the support it receives.


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