On Tuesday 13 March 2007 13:05, Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen wrote:

> I wrote to Christel earlier today about this. But AFAIR we usually have at
> least a week to discuss such proposals. Apart from that enforcing our users
> this code of conduct with only three days of discussion is not what I find
> user friendly.

First of all, I think most part of the code is just common sense. That's also 
the reason that it is not explicit about many things. Strictly defined rules 
don't apply in all situations, and jerks find ways around them or to argue 
that the rule does not apply to them.

The modus operandi should be: "We (council) define what is acceptable 
behaviour. If you don't like it, vote us off and get a "better" council. 
Until that time, comply. To me that is the only way to avoid free for all. We 
have seen that taping things over doesn't work.

> Before getting into any detail, perhaps in another mail, I have one
> objection to this proposal.
> I think it is a waste of time giving more paper rules for Devrel to enforce
> as long as they are in effect powerless to stop Gentoo developers
> from bad behaviour. As long as we as a group of developers can't even live
> up to the code of conduct we have agreed upon I don't think it is wise to
> enforce such conduct on the rest of the community.

I don't see how this is an objection. It sound more like a remark or 
observation. Naturally the enforcement needs to happen and infrastructure 
must be supportive to that (e.g. by providing do-it-yourself tools to 

> I do support more power to Devrel but lets try to keep the house clean
> before we take care of the garden.

Well, I don't consider -dev to be our garden, but rather gentoo's living with 
an open door policy. Most participants are either devs, or are close to being 
devs. In any case they are not general users.


ps. I would also like to suggest that the devrels looks at things like micro 
bans. That is, banning someone for a couple of days from sending to the 
mailing list. This could be effective against e.g. people who continue to 
feed trolls after being warned not to do so.

Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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