
On Tuesday 13 March 2007 03:12, Christel Dahlskjaer wrote:
> Hiya all,
> As some of you are already aware, I was at the last Council meeting
> given a Task. This Task was to draft a proposed Code of Conduct for
> Gentoo, and a scheme for enforcing it. The current version of this
> proposal can be found at http://dev.gentoo.org/~christel/coc.xml
> comments and suggestions both on- and off-list are appreciated.
> Any input will have to be received by Thursday, 15 March, 1200GMT in
> order to be useful; the Council will be voting on it later that day at
> 2100UTC.
I wrote to Christel earlier today about this. But AFAIR we usually have at 
least a week to discuss such proposals. Apart from that enforcing our users 
this code of conduct with only three days of discussion is not what I find 
user friendly.

Before getting into any detail, perhaps in another mail, I have one objection 
to this proposal. 

I think it is a waste of time giving more paper rules for Devrel to enforce 
long as they are in effect powerless to stop Gentoo developers from bad 
behaviour. As long as we as a group of developers can't even live up to the 
code of conduct we have agreed upon I don't think it is wise to enforce such 
conduct on the rest of the community.

I do support more power to Devrel but lets try to keep the house clean before 
we take care of the garden.

Thank you for your time.

Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen (Jaervosz)

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