* Robin H. Johnson schrieb am 05.08.11 um 02:46 Uhr:
> That leaves the only reasonable solution as #2. In terms of minimal
> impact, I propose that we offer users with a static system an absolutely
> minimal initramfs, that _just_ mounts the required directories.  No
> modules, no LVM, no MD, no crypto etc - if you want that functionality,
> go and use genkernel or dracut. If your fstab contains a line like:
> /dev/sdXN /usr ...
> Then this initramfs is for you.
> The minimal initramfs would do the following.
> 1. Mount devtmpfs/sysfs/procfs as needed to access devices.
> 2. Mount real_root to /newroot
> 3. Read /newroot/etc/initramfs.mount and /newroot/etc/fstab
> 4.1. If /newroot/etc/initramfs.mount does not exist
>      Assume it contains only: /usr /var
> 5. Mount the combined items from said files
> 6. pivot_root.

That sounds like a good compromise to me!

Another thing to consider:

/etc/init.d/localmount should check whats already mounted and leave
that out. But it will act as fallback if the minimal initramfs fails
to mount /usr or /var for any reason.

That way anybody migrating to that "minitramfs" will not risc an
unbootable system.

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