* Samuli Suominen schrieb am 05.08.11 um 15:43 Uhr:
> On 08/05/2011 04:12 PM, Marc Schiffbauer wrote:
> > OTOH the initrd that Robin described would be a very static solution
> > with almost no dependencies, so if genkernel had a USE flag like
> > "dracut" it would be possible to build it without dracut
> > dependency and thus would allow for smaller systems.
> > 
> To clarify,
> By dependencies in dracut you mean udev? 

For example yes.

> And by smaller systems you mean
> systems without udev?


> Then yes, such minimal initramfs should propably be covered in the
> embedded's documentation, but otherwise trying to avoid dracut is
> reinventing the wheel...

You may be right, but to my understanding such a minimalistic initrd
would really do nothing special. Possibly a small shell script run
in a static busybox would do the job, Given some required conditions
like having a "normal" boot device like /dev/sda is given this
thingy would just mount the rootfs, read some config,, then mount
other things like /usr and thats it. Not to forget pivot_root and
starting the real init of course.

Maybe something like:
<pseudo shell mode>
mount -t proc proc /proc
rootfs=`sed 's/.*root=\([^ ]*\)/\$1` /proc/cmdline
mount $rootfs /newroot
while read device mnt fstype; do
  mount -t $fstype $device $mnt
done < /newroot/etc/initramfs.mount
cd /newroot
pivot_root . /oldroot
exec chroot . /sbin/init

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