On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 10:42:59PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I was already suspicious that UW-IMAP could do what I wanted it to do, and
> > now I'm even more suspicious that it will at least come close.  
> UW is excellent for home use, but it has scaling/performance issues for heavy
> use.

I don't expect heavy use anytime in the near future.

> > Since all I really want is webmail + mutt, maybe what I need is a webmail
> > client that works directly with the maildirs.  I wonder if such a client
> > exists...
> If you've already got Courier IMAP working, why not just install
> SquirrelMail and point it at your (local) IMAP server?  That's exactly
> what I do -- works like a champ.

Simply because I'm picky and I don't like the way Courier lays out the
mailboxes.  I /insist/ that they be stored in a sensible way in the
filesystem for mutt users, and my definition of sensible doesn't include
Courier's dot-heirarchy maildirs :).  

I'm trying to set up something similar to a site I've used before, which
used IMP, UW IMAP (I think), mutt, and mbox folders.  It lets you make
folders directly under ~/Mail/ with mutt, and they show up nicely in IMP
webmail.  The two main differences between that setup and my ideal setup is
that I would like to use squirrelmail and maildirs.  It basically just
comes down to UW's support for maildirs at this point, I think.


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