On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 10:26:34PM -0500, Richard Kilgore wrote:

>      Also, though, there is that new SPAM killer POP-3 client
> that learns from you what is SPAM and what is not.  I forget what
> it's called.

I currently use bogofilter -- it does a pretty good job of eliminating spam.
SpamBayes also looks good (I may try to make an ebuild for it --
bogofilter is already in portage).  Any "Bayesian" filter helps
tremendously in the war (SpamAssasin is the only non-Bayesian spam
filter to consider).

I've always liked having a real SMTP server available -vs- fetchmail or
whatever the Python thingy (popmail?) is called.

I've been using qmail for years -- whatever you think of the his
personality, djb can write some rock-solid code.

I train bogofilter on whatever is in ~/.maildir (ham) and whatever is in
~/.maildir/.SPAM/ (spam).  My .qmail simply reads

    |condredirect rex-spam /usr/bin/bogofilter

("rex-spam" is an alias that forward to my spambucket)

> Oh wait, are you referring to leaving mail on the server?  

Err ... yes, I guess.  That's as good a definition for IMAP as any. :-)


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