
What Nathan and others have conculuded from the information you provided
that is that the program you running is trying to create a hard-linked
file across mount points, you can not do this, you can only create
soft-links across mount points.

I am guessing that when you built your Gentoo system, you most likely
made the descision create mount points like /, /usr, /home, etc, where
your Caldera system made the decsions for you and put everthing on /.

If you do a 'df' on your Gentoo system and if the source directory and
the destination directory fall on different lines then you can not
create use hard-links 'ln', you need to use sof-links 'ln -s'


On Fri, 2003-07-11 at 17:02, Rick Sivernell wrote:
> Nathan
>     I guess software can not move, copy data or programs, you must be bash or
> something. This is totally bullxxxx. I have te same on my caldera system and all
> works fine. I have moved the location back onto the partition now and that
> problem is gone.  I am almost ready to dump gentoo, just too many problem here.

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