Hey Spider,

On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 10:07:58 +0200
Spider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> begin  quote
> > So is "stable" what the gentoo devs consider stable, or what the
> > software package developers consider stable?
> This is decided on a case-to-case basis, And the goal of the developers
> is to provide as smooth updates as possible with as little disruption as
> possible.
> >  I point to
> > gimp-print-4.3.18 which is a development version (4.2.something is the
> > current stable) .
> However, since all packages do this a bit differently it is a floating
> thing.  (xcdroast only has alpha and beta release, where the alpha is
> more stable and 2 years younger than the last beta, and is the only one
> thats actually compatible-.....  So, Alpha is stable? ;)

Yeah, of course. But I have to make a judgement about whether to do what
"emerge -pu world" is telling me. gimp-print is not xcdroast and has an
active "stable" and "development" release versions. When I go and have a
look at the 4.3.18 page it clearly states "this is unstable, buyer


> >  I know this isn't really a critical thing in this
> > instance (though I wouldn't like my printing to stop working), it's
> > just I'm starting to try and take back control of what goes onto my
> > systems. I think "gentoo is great" (tm) but it's a bit of a moving
> > target and becomes "Ahem, not so great" (tm) when something breaks and
> > I spend a day (or more) trying to find out what broke.
> This is what we try to get around and avoid. In cases where breakage
> "has to happen"  we try to work around it anyhow (gcc-config, multiple
> LIB, Block, revdep-rebuild )  and where that isn't possible we have to
> "fall back" to educating users into reading documentation (ever noticed
> that some packages tell you things about themselves? )
> //Spider
> -- 
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> This is a .signature virus! Please copy me into your .signature!
> See Microsoft KB Article Q265230 for more information.
> end

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