> > how can you say that, i mean you use a product in free software comunity
> > and you don't care about what is done with the money they earn !! this
> > is unresponsable
> As I see it, money is not the issue. As long as the software is free and
> the quality of the software high, I'm willing to donate money to show my
> support.

Interesting sentiment. So, if Gentoo were to post on their front page that
they were full, enthusiastic supporters of terrorism, had in fact helped to
fund the 9/11 attacks, and were now in the process of pulling money together
to help fund a nuclear attack on NYC, you'd just merrily keep sending them
donations because the "quality of the software is high"? Strange...

Or, what if Gentoo fully supports Digital Rights Management and is helping
to fund research into locking everyone's hardware down so you could only
transfer "approved" data with an RIAA-approved digital signature attached
(for which you paid money), and could no longer freely exchange files?

Or, let's say you're libertarian-biased in your political views and Gentoo
was actively contributing to the campaigns of reactionary conservatives
seeking to mandate bible study in schools, tear down just about every civil
right in the country, make the teaching of evolution a federal felony, etc.?

You'd just go right on donating? Because they write good software? I find
that very odd, like you don't understand how money gets things done and by
giving folks money you enable their agendas while reducing your ability to
prosecute yours.

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