On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 15:16, Janne Johansson wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 15:06, Eric Livingston wrote:
> [some samples...]
> > You'd just go right on donating? Because they write good software? I find
> > that very odd, like you don't understand how money gets things done and by
> > giving folks money you enable their agendas while reducing your ability to
> > prosecute yours.
> I do not know where you got your ideas form, nor do I care. I support
> things that I think are right. I think Gentoo is a right thing, even
> though it is from USA and I do not think that war on Iraq, Gulf war or
> the Vietnam war were right.

Just because they both originate from the same location doesn't mean
they share the same viewpoint. I'm in the UK, this country joined in the
pillage of Iraq too, and my best efforts to stop it only lead to me
being arrested and photos of the arrest appearing on various websites.

> But... am I using Gentoo because a) it is good (the best I've found) or
> b) because I can't use Windows since MS supports Bush administration?

I'd go with A, the benefits of B are just a useful by-product :)

Yorkshire Dave
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