On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 15:06, Eric Livingston wrote:

[some samples...]

> You'd just go right on donating? Because they write good software? I find
> that very odd, like you don't understand how money gets things done and by
> giving folks money you enable their agendas while reducing your ability to
> prosecute yours.

I do not know where you got your ideas form, nor do I care. I support
things that I think are right. I think Gentoo is a right thing, even
though it is from USA and I do not think that war on Iraq, Gulf war or
the Vietnam war were right.

But... am I using Gentoo because a) it is good (the best I've found) or
b) because I can't use Windows since MS supports Bush administration?


"So act that your principle of action might safely be made a law for
the whole world." - Immanuel Kant

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