On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 00:09:06 +0100
Mike Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Second question which I am sure many of you asked.  From which
> > tarball stage should I install?  During the demo at Indiana
> > University, they started with stage3 since they told us it takes a
> > couple of days of compiling before you can get a working systems
> > with Gentoo.  Is still still the norm for 1.4?  
> I'm a stage 1 guy, have been since my very first installation. Depends
> on how comfortable with linux you are, and how much bandwidth and time
> you have. Then there is the geekiness/masochist aspect :o)

It really makes no difference; you'll only do an install once, unlike
RedHat.  After a years worth of incremental updates you'll be in the
same shape whether starting from Stage 1 or 3.  Yes, it will take a
couple of days starting from Stage 1.  I started from Stage 1 about 2
years ago.  I might do Stage 3 today now that it is available.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
if you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the 
worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

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